yup we're those students who finished our STPM on 20 y/o due to Covid-19

hey everyone, my name is ammar and I was a stpm student who studied stpm for two years instead of 1 and half a year. hahahaha. Here I want to share my experienced as a stpm student at SMK Benut which is located in Pontian, Johor.

to be honest I took stpm unwillingly since i got no offers from upu to further my studies in diploma. Well how should I put this, I am actually glad that I further my studies in stpm even I got postponed half a year due to covid. 

Okay lets cut this boring explaining part, what I want to tell you guys are my experiences in stpm. I am actually a really quiet person until I be someone friends. That is what people usually describe abt me. For me, being a stpm student was a really fun. I took business and geography in stpm which I don't even like those subject (now I do, a little) and surprisingly I managed to survived for whole 3 semester.

I was in class PS4 and I really love my friends, they are so kind and full with motivation unlike me. But yeah, I tried to compete with their spirit and I got a few friends who always free to do study group after school. Lemme tell you this, without those study group, I don't think I'll be able to survive stpm life. 

School life is really sucks but when you're surrounded by people who know how to make things fun even when you study, I think you better keep that person close to you. I always have that small members for study group mekti and jihah. Then days by days the members expanding, and it was really fun. The study group members as I can recall are Iffah, Arriessa, Aecah, Hamzah, Aqil and more girls. HAHAHAHAHA 

Sometime it just me with girls because I didn't hv much boy friends hahahahaha. yeah. I remember how struggled we were to memorize all facts for exams. To make it fun we always set a time around 20 to 25 minutes to memorize some facts and take turn to questioning among us abt the facts. It was a really affected and fun way to study. 

Aside from study stuff, we also celebrate our teachers birthday. This is the most fun part because we can skip our classes ! HAHAHAHAHAHA  we  always did this random scenario back then when we want to celebrate our teachers' birthday. We asked someone to act like their fighting each other and it always the same guy which is hamzah and aqil hahahahahahah. The way our teacher panic was really funny hahahaha. And we also singing on that day, it was a really really good day 

yeah ngl it was a really good day. And also a sad day since our last celebration birthday was on our last semester and honestly I was sad since PS4 was like a family to me, we laughed, we cried (not me) and also we struggling together to finished our stpm life in the middle of covid that come out of nowhere. yeah, it was sad and hurt a lot to be apart with them. Some further their studies, some working and some started their own business. I was really proud for myself and for them since we all got through this stpm journey together. A lot memories we created together. I just wanna say, thank you for being part of my life and accepting me in yours. It was nice knowing you all and I hope that we can meet up and fill up what left. I wish yall a happy life.

Here some of the photos we took together as PS4 !

I love yall !!!


  1. nice sharing, maybe you could share about ur effective ways to study during covid

  2. Hahahahaha aq nak balik moment stpm promax ni 😂


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