nature and me cannot be separated  

I always wanted to go hiking since I find myself really enjoyed nature a lot ! 

the picture shows was my first hiking after I stopped hiking for years, and it was originally for competition purposed and I was asked to help them recording their videos. But still it was super fun and later we decided to go hiking at difference places together. 

There is one place that I obsessed which Bukit Berdiri, this place isn't that high but I enjoyed it since the view was super nice and mesmerizing. I literally went there quite a lot with different people and never get bored hahahahahaha. If you guys have an opportunity to go to this place, you guys should go and tell me how yall think about this Bukit Berdiri ! The journey took around an hour to arrived from my house, and if you wanna see awan karpet, you better hit the road at 6 am hahahahhaha. We once tried to go early and we planned it early, but tragedy happened when I overslept 😂 I literally woke up at 6:30 am while we were supposed to leave at 5:30 am. Luckily, my friends were so nice so they waited for me at nearest mosque. I was scolded as they were laughing at me for overslept. 

Then again I went to the same place with different groups since I was the one who recommended that place to them. And all of them was satisfied with the place since the view was outstanding. The second time I went there with Syuhadah and after that, we literally asked one another to go for hiking when we free. We became adventure buddy hahahhaha. 

Another place we tried to hike was Bukit Banang located in Batu Pahat. The place wasn't that good since the track was man made. The view was quite nice and the track quite challenging since it too steep. Our legs was hurt due to the steep track hahahhahaha but it was worth the calories burned. Syuhadah and I also with her brothers we did a challenge where we run across those steep track hahahahaha and it was super fun. I won by the way.  

Then again with another group, we went to Gunung Pulai, the track was the same as Bukit Banang which is man made, and steep. The view was okay for me but I didn't really suggest yall to go there for the view hahahahahah. People usually go to Gunung Pulau for their waterfall, the waterfall was super nice for me but you better go early so you won't meet a bunch of people. After my friends and I finised our hiking, we went to the waterfall and it was so refreshing after we sweat a lot due to the hiking earlier. 


For the time being, these are all hiking spot I went. Super fun, the places and friends. Unfortunately we are all busy further our studies and unable to go to hike for the time being. So Im hoping that yall have a good spot to go for hiking after read my review that not so review hahahahahaha.
okay yall thanks for reading !


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