heyy everyone ! 

for your information, we planned this trip only 2 days before 😂 original plan was we want to go to pulau tioman but we look at weather forecast and it showed rainy day in pulau tioman so we decided to go to pulau pangkor. The funny part was we didn't even look at the weather forecast in pulau pangkor and decided to look while we were on the road and guess what ? it stated rainy day as well ! hahahahahah but luckily it didn't rain at all at pulau pangkor for 3 days we were there.

okay, turn back to the first scene which, we were going to pulau pangkor Perak all the way from Johor 😂

the plan was, it going to be amirul and I only, but decided to go to Perak and fetch Azwan (blue shirt) where he stayed in Perak since he is UPSI's student. So yeah, that was how it went.

We hit the road from Johor at 7 am and arrived at azwan's house around 2-3 pm then straight to pulau pangkor's jety and arrived around 4-5 pm. The only reason we were late because amirul and I keep stopped at rnr because we were tired and sleepy hahahahaha we had to wait for ferry to go to pulau pangkor and we check in to our resort (Kejora Garden Resort) at 6-7 pm. We unpacking our stuff, take a bath and we went to restaurant to eat. I forgot to mention that we actually rent two motorcycle which cost 60 ringgit each for 3 days. 

this is the picture our first night in Pulau Pangkor, that night we just strolled around the island. That night we went to the beach and it was so refreshing when I breath the night breeze. We just spent our time that night at the beach, took some videos and pictures as a memory then we back to our homestay to get some rest since we drove far from Johor.

The next day, I woke up early while my friends still sleeping and I went to beach by myself. I literally obsessed with beach, I just love the sounds of the waves and the silence. 

Then, we went to snorkeling. We were snorkeling at 9 am and it was a lot of people who were snorkeling as well. We were given bread to feed fish while we snorkeling, and to be honest, it was my first time ever tried snorkeling and it was super fun ! yall should give it a try. I was worried at first since I am not a good swimmer but also excited to try something new, once I got in to the water, it was nothing to worried about since I wore a life jacket. My friends and I had a very fun time together, we were laughing and swimming together although amirul being a coward which he didn't want to swim farther since it was deeper. But azwan and I, we just proceed to the deeper place and we pull amirul along with us 😂 we watched fishes and feed them. It was fun since there was quite few fishes around us.

We especially me got a lot of scratch due to the corals and rock beneath, but it was okay since we had so much fun together. We snorkeling around 1-2 hours and we strolled around the island riding a boat ! 
it was super fun ! we saw a few island which the tourist guide showed us. There were a rock shape like an alligator and a whale too ! fascinating !

after that, we went back to our resort to clean up and headed back outside to grab something to eat. I tried baby crab while I was there by the way hahahahahaha. After we finished our food, we bought some gift for our family and strolled around again since this island is big. Then after we done looked around, we bought something to eat and eat it at the beach. Then I jumped to the beach but my friends did not. So yeah, I just enjoyed myself swimming around while my friends took pictures.

For whole day we went outside and enjoyed, later at night after we ate, we went to dobi and wash our shirts, yeah you heard me right, dobi is available in this island surprisingly. hahahahahaha. Actually, this island looks like a small city since there are people who live there. After we done with our laundry, we bought some chocolate, yeah, chocolate hahahahhaha it is tax free guys ! super cheap hahahhaha I literally bought a bunch of chocolate there and it was worth it.

Then, our last day in pulau pangkor, we just strolled around the island since we did not explore everything yet. And we were surprised that in that island there is an airport, do you believe me ? yeah it sounds crazy hahahhahahah but its the truth. Then we just took more pictures and videos on our last day. yeah it was sad to be home actually. I could spend a year in that island without get bored hahahhahahah. So yeah that is all.


that is all my 3 days 2 night at pulau pangkor went, we were so happy that we got the opportunity to went to a holiday together ! looking forward for more !

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  1. uwau, very nice experience and the way u describe all of the event just make me just being around with u guys, explain more about the budget, i want to know it so i can plan with my friends too :)


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